Saturday, October 13, 2012

An expat guide to fitness in Almaty

Fitness and Wellness Clubs  

There are a number of fitness and wellness clubs in Almaty... the difficulty is finding information about all of them. I have tried to find the most popular ones in town, however I apologise if I have left some out.  Most fitness/wellness clubs tend to be pricy compared to other countries, and is still seen as a luxury expense.

Battler for Krav-Maga and other forms of training and fitness

Dolphin Fitness

Fit Curves


Fidelity has a few facilities across the city, however don’t think that they are all the same price. The fitness club with swimming pool are usually pricier than the others. They have agreements with certain companies for membership discount, so the best is to just as the club if you are entitled to a discount.

Luxor is the luxury version of wellness clubs, and is situated in a very exclusive neighbourhood.

Samal De Luxe is located in Samal so would be ideal if you live in the area.

World Class is said to have English speaking instructors (which is a rarity); however, I was unable to confirm this at the time.

There also many others, for more information check out the following webpage


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